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Top 10 Amazing Benefits Of Green Apples

As the saying goes “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, and it certainly holds true even for green apples! Apples are one of the most exotic and amazing fruits that Mother Nature has blessed us with. They contain a lot of essential nutrients and vitamins, which should form a part of each and every person’s daily diet.

Health Benefits Of Green Apples

  1. High Fiber Content. It contains a lot of fiber, which helps clean the system and increases metabolism. This, therefore, helps in free bowel movement.
  2. Mineral Content. It contains a number of minerals – iron, zinc, copper, manganese, potassium, etc. Which are trace minerals and are a must for human health and well-being.
  3. Low in Fat Content. This is a great food when it comes to weight watchers. People on diet and/or are regular gym goers should and must include one apple in their everyday diet.
  4. Prevents Skin Cancer. It contains Vitamin C that helps in preventing skin cell damage by free radicals and thus reduces the chances of skin cancer.
  5. Rich In antioxidants. It contains antioxidants that help in cell re-building and cell rejuvenation. This also helps you in maintaining healthy and glowing skin.
  6. Prevents Alzheimer’s. Having an apple every day prevents chances of old-age neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s.
  7. Prevents Asthma. Taking apple juice regularly can prevent chances of asthma, which is a hypersensitivity allergic disorder.
  8. Prevents Diabetes. Apples prevent diabetes. It is a must-have for diabetics.
  9. Rich In Vitamin A, B, and C. Green apples are rich in Vitamins A, B, and C, so apart from protecting the skin from harmful effects of free radicals; it also helps one in maintaining glowing skin from inside.
  10. Helps To Lose Weight

This green-hued drink makes a filling snack in between your meals (4). Packed with fiber and low on fats, sugar, and sodium, green apple juice is known to restrict hunger pangs. Plus, it improves the calorie-burning potential, which helps you to achieve your weight loss goals in a tasty way.

Include green apples in your meals and you will give it an unexpected twist of flavor and benefits. Find your favorite plan here!